Church Building Commitee

Exterior Painting and Site Works

29th June 2022

By the Grace of the Lord, Construction work progressed quite well during the spring season, despite continuing supply chain issues and unusually high number of rainy days.

After some weather-related delays, Blacktopping and line painting of the parking areas and the driveway are now complete. Landscaping and play ground work continues and exterior painting is now complete. There is now water supply and power to the building, and while all electrical, plumbing and HVAC systems and fixtures are in place, they are yet to be tested and approved.

While some of the railings have been installed, some more are left, along with the chain link fence and the exterior metal Staircase. Flooring has been completed for downstairs, the church foyer and washrooms, and carpet tiles for the church will be done in the coming days. The Speakers have been installed and the remaining cabling and other sound equipment are yet to be installed. The furniture and fixtures for the daycare have partially been received and assembled. The signage, wooden crosses and icons for the church have been installed, while altar tables, bell, hanging oil lamp etc. will be installed in the coming weeks.

As we go through the final stage of this blessed endeavour, we are now entering some very critical days as available funds are nearing depletion and city inspections and approvals are awaited. As Achen reminds us in Church every week, please continue to pray, and please continue to seek and offer donations for this project.

The Building Committee would also like to thank everyone for their encouragement, suggestions and patience.